
The Event

The Sam Day Buddy Run is a small group, high impact charity run for select endurance runners. Runners are paired with “Buddies” who are either currently fighting cancer or who've been lost to cancer. Each runner trains for the challenging 12-mile course and raises a minimum of $2,000. The fundraising effort is successful because of these runners’ enthusiasm for this cause and their compassion for what kids are going through.

This year's event brought a new level of fun and energy with volunteers who showed up to encourage and cheer runners along the way. They brought friends, noisemakers, music, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and we even spotted a few pink unicorns! 

The run began at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital at 8:30am on Saturday, May 18th, and finished at Terra Linda park in Cedar Mill, Oregon.

Buddy Run

Of the Night


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Samday 5k run